Hi i’m working with the TWR-2.4G and the SPI interface of my pic 18f4620…i’m using the library spi.h of the c18 compiler…
This RF must work at 500ns per instruction and my pic works at 20MHz (200ns)
For this reason i try to configurate the SPI to Fosc/4 changing to the internal oscillator at 8MHz. In this way the clk1 would be at 500ns per instruction.
Well it dosent works…the pic is doing nothing after these instructions (changing to the internal oscillator)…
OSCCON = 0b01110000; //Coloca el oscilador interno a 8MHz
while(OSCCONbits.IOFS == 0); //Espera a que se estabilice la frecuencia
If i work with the external oscillator at 20MHz the RF dosen’t transmit and reiceve.
I dont know what to do… :roll:
Thanks for your help…