Hi, this is one of my program but I can’t convert it to Hex file I think there is some problem can you help me
LIST p=16F84A ; Processeur 16F84A
#INCLUDE <p16F84A.inc> ; Définition des registre internes du 16F84
; cpu equates (memory map)
portB equ 0x06 ; (p. 10 defines port address)
tcount equ 0x07
nCount equ 0x0d
mcount equ 0x09
pause movlw 0x03
movwf tcount
L1 movlw 0xff ; set w = 255 decimal
movwf mCount ; mCount = w
loadN movlw 0xff ; set w = 255 decimal
movwf nCount ; nCount = w
decN decfsz nCount, f ; nCount–
goto decN ; if nCount != 0 then repeat nCount–
decfsz mCount, f ; else decrement Count
goto loadN ; if mCount != 0 then
decfsz tcount ; reload nCount to 255 and decrement
goto L1
return ; else exit subroutine
pause2 movlw 0x1E
movwf tcount
L1 movlw 0xff ; set w = 255 decimal
movwf mCount ; mCount = w
loadN movlw 0xff ; set w = 255 decimal
movwf nCount ; nCount = w
decN decfsz nCount, f ; nCount–
goto decN ; if nCount != 0 then repeat
decfsz mCount, f ; else decrement Count
goto loadN ; if mCount != 0 then
decfsz tcount ; reload nCount to 255 and decrement
goto L1
return ; else exit subroutine
org 0x00
start btfss PORTB,0
goto start
movlw b’00001111’ 0x00 make port B
tris portB
bsf portB,4
call pause
bcf portB,4
loo btfss portB,1
goto loop
bcf portB,4
bsf portB,5
call pause2
loop2 btfss portB,2
goto loop2
goto start
thank you