avrdude: stk500v2_program_enable(): cannot get connection status
avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1
Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override
this check.
avrdude done. Thank you.
I thought it might be the part, but it seems to be every part. A ladyada usbtiny can connect to this same part. Anybody have any ideas what might be wrong with this programmer/my setup?
Please try changing the serial port number assigned by Windows to AVR-ISP500-TINY to COM4 or higher.
Use the latest stable version of avrdude.
I’m using one of sparkfun’s breadboard adapters to plug the ICSP10 into the board and I do have the 5V line hooked up (as well as the ground, obviously). I’ve upgraded the firmware and tried it on com4 and com15 with winavr-20081205 (which packages avrdude 5.5).
Got any more suggestions? Should I try and get sparkfun to replace this one?
I also bought the breadboard pin header board, and soldered pins for both the 10 and 6 pin connectors, and tried both, neither work, and it is soldered perfectly (all pins are going where they should be) I am trying to get it working with the attiny13, and have tried 4 different ones, along with 2 different atmega168’s, and none work. I upgraded the firmware to the latest using the avr-isp500 image in the updater. I have tried it with 3 computers, (1 vista, 2 xp) in winavr and avrstudio on all of them. I have checked and rewired (take everything out, and wire everything back in) several times and even bypassed the header board all together (stuffed wires directly into the socket - (I tried both sockets) I also tested the cables that came with it, and both cables check out. In winavr, I am getting the same error as in the first post. In avrstudio, I can do everything with the programmer itself, but anything requiring the attiny/atmega will not work (as in, I can set the ISP freq, read fw versions, voltages, etc)
If I try to do anything related to reading/programming the attiny/atmega, I get the message “Entering programming mode… FAILED!”
Please help. I just bought this programmer a couple days ago and had it shipped overnight because I need to get this project that requires an avr of some sort working, and build 4 copies of it by Feb 1. I have all the parts I need, but I can’t get the code the friggen avr.
I have checked around and done numerous google searches, and this thread is the closest to the problem I am having, all other searches turned up slightly different problems, with solutions that did not work for me.
What is your target board schematic? A lot of boards incorrectly put external outputs (e.g. RS232 drivers, LEDs, etc) on the ISP lines - RESET/SCK/MOSI/MISO. As AVR-ISP500 has protection resistors in series with all its outputs it will not work in such cases.
AVR-ISP500 also requires target supply voltage to be presend on the ICSP connector. You can check that in AvrStudio programming dialog.
Also note that your AVR might have FUSES programmed for using external clock, or for disabling ISP.
with a breadboard, connected directly to an attiny13. I tested to make sure it is soldered properly several times, and have even bypassed it directly, by stuffing the wires right into the ISP connector.
I have also tried the atmega168. Nothing else is connected on the breadboard except the power regulation and a “power good” led, which is a good 5 or 6 holes to the left of the attiny. Power regulation is a lm7805c, with a 100uF electrolytic cap.
In avrstudio, it shows voltages at 4.9v, and when I unplug the connector from the board, it reads 0.0v.
As for fuses, I have tried several different attiny’s, all from digikey, that I was able to program fine with my old programmer (the $13 serial one from here), but I lost that at college last week. I also tried a atmega168 from an old project that I know works, and a atmega168 from sparkfun preloaded for arduino.
For the ISP freq, what do you suggest? I keep reading it should be 1/4 or less than the avr’s clock, but I have tried every freq in the drop down list in avrstudio, and nothing different happened. (It changes just fine, I can write the new freq to the programmer, close out avrstudio, open it, and read the same freq back in no problem.
Maybe you have swapped MISO and MOSI lines (look careful in the AVR datasheets)? Another common mistake is mirroring the ICSP connectors. Here is a reference design for ATmega168 that you can check out: http://www.olimex.com/dev/images/avr-p28-sch.gif .
When this sort of thing happens to me, I go to the first tab of the programming dialog and check to see if I can read the signature byte. If that doesn’t work, either the programmer isn’t compatible with the chip your using or the interface has a wiring problem.
To give an example, I have an Olimex JTAG interface here that isn’t compatible with the AT90USB1287 even though the development board has a JTAG port on-board. I had to get a different programmer/debugger to interface to that chip. Check the compatibility list for your programmer.
I have made sure I do not have MOSI/MISO swapped, and the ICSP connector is not mirrored, I can read the voltages from the board in AVRStudio just fine. I can’t read the signature byte on any of my 3 Atmega168’s or any of the 7 attiny13’s I have.
I have been having the same problem with the atmega128 and the avr-isp 500 programmer. I have tried everything posted here. When I try to update the firmware it just says that the serial connection timed out.