Problems with the moisture sensor

I bought this moisture sensor:

I’ve been having some problems with it’s accuracy

When I put it in very dry soil I get a reading of around 885, but when it’s in wet soil it has a reading of around 892, and when it is in extremly wet soil, it has a reading of around 894.

When I take it out it has a reading of 0

Without using the map/constraint tool to fix it up in software, since that wouldn’t solve the problem, how can i get this properly working?

Can you dehydrate the ‘very dry’ soil to ensure it’s not harboring sneaky moisture? Share a photo of the setup

The main note in the hookup guide … okup-guide that I see is “This code has different values for an upper threshold and a lower one, so you have a middle zone that could either be wet or dry depending on whether the soil is drying out (coming down from being wet) or getting wet (coming up from being dry). If you don’t want this middle zone, you can set both thresholds to the same value, but I have found that having this middle area is more similar to how soil actually works; there really isn’t a point at which soil goes from being wet to dry. If you are interested in soil and how it reacts to water, you should read up on it; it can be very complicated and interesting.”

Are you getting repeatable results? (is the dry reading always around 885? Does the very wet one vary?)