Proccessing Power for Camera

I am trying to use a camera for a project I’m working on. I’m using it to identify and object then head towards that object. How much Processing power Ram, SRAM, and possibly ROM would I need to store those files and be able to analyze for an object.

Any ideas, what type of development board I should look into.

Impossible to say. You need to develop a suitable algorithm and then ascertain the speed and memory requirements for your application. Where I used to work we prototyped something like that (a people tracker) on a PC first, and then I designed the MCU system to meet the requirements.


Would you recommend using Microsoft’s Robotics Studio?

What would be a good method of tracking how much of the computer its using?

We used Visual C++.

Windows Task Manager?


Sounds good, I’ll probably use that just because of OpenCV

That doesn’t tell how much processor it takes up.