Programming to transmit and receive data with Xbee s2c using arduino mega and uno

I have bought Xbee s2c modules for my project and I wish to transfer sensor data from one xbee to another in non-broadcast mode using arduino mega at transmitter side and arduino uno at receiver side. Please help me with the code for arduino mega and uno and the configuration parameters to be set on XCTU. I want to see the received sensor data in the serial monitor of arduino.

Get x2 x1 if you don’t already have a programming adapter

and then follow our guide … okup-guide and you should be good to go

Your guides say “we highly recommend going with Series 1 models”. I don’t see Series 1 modules for sale on your site.

The xbee series 3 modules can be programmed with 802.15.4 firmware effectively turning them into a series 1 module. I imagine that warning was put in the guide when the series 2 modules came out, those had significant issues working with tutorials written for series 1.

You should be safe with the series 3’s as long as you put the 802.15.4 firmware on them. Plus you have the option of setting them back to series 3 later on if you wish so you get the best of both worlds.