It looks like a new generation of GPS modules is coming to market. While current GPS modules sold by SF use typically 20 to 40mA, it looks like new chips can go 1 to 2 orders of magnitude lower, see for example: … -wearables
For those of us who run on batteries this would make a huge difference. Any hope / plans to offer such “ultra low power” GPS receivers in the future?
View any claim of “1 to 2 orders of magnitude lower power draw” with utmost skepticism. I looked at a couple of cases a while back, and found mostly deceptive advertising about the test conditions.
In the particular case I examined most closely, the claimed reduction was due largely to use of power down sleep modes, where the receiver isn’t doing anything at all. When fully powered up and collecting data, as I recall, that particular receiver was still drawing about 12 mA.
Think about it: GPS receivers have been with us for decades, battery lifetime has always been a major problem, and the receivers have changed very little in all that time.