PRT-17912 connector


Actually i’m using the “SparkFun Micro Absolute Digital Barometer - LPS28DFW (Qwiic)”.

Is the connector “PRT-17912” compatible with this card?

Thank you

Yes - just note you’ll need to run an extra GND and interrupt wire if you plan to use those pins :slight_smile:

Hello, thank you for replying.

I have question about arduino library, because by connecting the sensor to arduino via PRT-17912, and by uploading the code, i didin’t get the pressure value in serial monitor.

have you any idea please : #include <Wire.h>

#include “SparkFun_LPS28DFW_Arduino_Library.h”

// Create a new sensor object

LPS28DFW pressureSensor;

// I2C address selection

uint8_t i2cAddress = LPS28DFW_I2C_ADDRESS_DEFAULT; // 0x5C

//uint8_t i2cAddress = LPS28DFW_I2C_ADDRESS_SECONDARY; // 0x5D

void setup()


// Start serial


Serial.println(“LPS28DFW Example 1 - Basic Readings!”);

// Initialize the I2C library


// Check if sensor is connected and initialize

// Address is optional (defaults to 0x5C)

while(pressureSensor.begin(i2cAddress) != LPS28DFW_OK)


// Not connected, inform user

Serial.println(“Error: LPS28DFW not connected, check wiring and I2C address!”);

// Wait a bit to see if connection is established



Serial.println(“LPS28DFW connected!”);


void loop()


// Get measurements from the sensor. This must be called before accessing

// the pressure data, otherwise it will never update


// Print temperature and pressure

Serial.print("Temperature (C): ");



Serial.print("Pressure (hPa): ");


// Only print every second



Can you me the orders of LPS28DFW pins ? because it’s not clear in the datasheet