question about MicroViewmofulr

Several years ago I bought a MicroView module and USB programmer I recently resurrected this system in hopes that it could be used as a test platform for I2C sensors. A question:

The screen display isn’t very bright and setting the contrast to 100 or 255 makes no difference. Would you expect the brightness to decline after a few years of non-use? Is there some setting I’m missing to increase the display brightness?

Sounds like the display brightness was OK when ypu used it earlier. But after all these years, it is not a bright as before. It is possible that the brightness decreased over time. Yes, it’s true that you did not use it for this long time. But dusts, dirt etc. can affect such dispalys too.

Thanks for your reply. It’s not a matter of dust/dirt because it was in a plastic bag in a box for all this time. I don’t remember what the display looked like when I first tried it out. I used this device to test output from a T/RH/P sensor, and it’s convenient for testing I2C and/or analog sensors because it minimizes breadboard wiring. The fact that it doesn’t have a 3.3 V power out pin will be an issue for some sensor modules. It’s interesting that when I took a photo of a setup for a document about using this device, the blue-on-black display contrast was actually better than just looking at it.

Maybe at the time this device first came out it was innovative (it IS cute!). But in today’s market, $45+$18 for a MicroView+USB Programmer, it’s a pretty expensive system. I’ll continue to use the one I already have for testing sensors, but I won’t buy another one. MUCH less expensive and just as easy to put a Nano and small OLED display on a breadboard and set that system aside for sensor testing.