Question about Wave Trigger Pro


The new Wave Trigger Pro looks a really promissing device.

I have been checking the information from your site and I have some questions in order to think how I could integrate it in a live set:

  1. I would like to use two external controllers. One launchpad for trigger (as from your example) and another with some pots to control another continuous parameters as Pan, pitchbend, etc. would it be possible using a hub or other similar device?

  2. Do you know when it would be available through any european reseller?


  1. It’s only designed to be triggered; you’d need something with an ADC to process the analog signal and then pass it along digitally to the WAV Trigger Pro, a standard redboard would work fine (taking the potentiometer inputs and outputting them to the audio board)

  2. We don’t - they are in-stock on our end so it just depends on when they place their next order :slight_smile:

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I’m assuming that your second device with the pots is also a USB MIDI Device that produces MIDI continuous controller and pitch bend messages, and that you are asking about using the WAV Trigger Pro as a USB MIDI Host. Since there’s only a single USB port on the WAV Trigger Pro, you’d need a USB HUB to plug both devices in. While I don’t think the USB Host firmware will support this, I’m a little embarrassed to admit that I haven’t actually tested it. Let me do so and report back.

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Yes, I would like to use two usb controllers. LaunchPad and another one with CC pots to modify some other parameters. What parameters could I change with CC?

If you have any update using two controllers, please let us know.


The current USB Host stack does not support the use of a hub or multiple MIDI devices. However, this is something that I plan to actively look into and will attempt to add this capability. Unfortunately, no time frame this early on. In the meantime, you could probably put something together using a Teensy with USB MIDI Host support and some code to route the MIDI messages to the WAV Trigger Pro over the Qwiic interface. The WAV Trigger Pro can receive MIDI from USB and Qwiic at the same time, so this would allow for the use of 2 USB MIDI devices.

Thanks a lot for give a try.

Great to know that MIDI and USB work simultaniously.

Besides pitch bent, is there any other parameter I could control with CC?