Question on Dual-Port Logging Shield (DEV-19217)

Hi All!

I’m a mechanical engineer, a novice in microcontrollers.

Be gentile :slight_smile:

I have an embedded machine I’m trying to log information from. The embedded machine outputs a USB-C connection, sending out serial communication (currently I’m reading it with TeraTerm). I have purchased the Logging Shield without noticing I need a Thing Plus board to mount it on.

After understanding the mistake I’ve made, I wanted to be extra sure that’s the only component missing.

And this is where I’m confused -

It is not clear from the hookup guide whether I can connect my embedded machine directly to the Logging Shield or if I should convert the data from the embedded machine into serial communication first using the FT231X Breakout board (BOB-13263)?

Thanks in advance to all responders!