Questions regarding energy harvester LTC 3588


I plan to buy LTC 3588 and use it for piezoelectric energy harvesting. I had a couple of questions regarding the same.

  1. Does this energy harvester work with piezo? Can I use it for energy harvesting?

  2. Can I connect a battery to the output of this harvester? If yes, what battery works with it? (The goal is to light up an LED using energy from piezo)

Can you please help me with this? Any leads/information would be really helpful. :smiley:

  1. Yes, that is what the device is for. Study the LTC3588 data sheet for the details.

  2. Yes, but the battery will charge very, very, very, very slowly, and only when you vibrate the piezo.

You don’t need a battery to blink an LED from the LTC3588 board, as shown in the video on the product page:

I want to use the output of the LTC3588 Energy Harvesting board to charge a LiPo battery (3.7V, 2000mAh). Can you recommend a suitable charge controller board?

The LTC3588 Energy Harvesting board doesn’t output enough energy to charge a LiPo battery. These type of boards can only ouput a tiny amount of power, like enough to run a small quartz digital watch or something similar.