I have a few questions regarding the [STUSB4500 Breakout board.
I think it is possible to dynamically set PD parameters on-the-fly without writing to nvm and doing a hard reset but this functionality isn’t available in the current [SparkFun_STUSB4500_Library.
Can someone confirm this by taking a look at [STSW-STUSB003 firmware docs. [This comment on ST forum makes me think on-the-fly setting is possible.
Also, I was hoping to use the on-board mosfet controlled by VBUS_EN_SINK pin of STUSB4500 as a switch… but seems like taking control of that pin from software using i2c is not possible.
Am I correct?
As a workaround for this I thought of the following workflow to disable/enable the output :-
Can someone confirm that the above mentioned workflow works. Is there any other way to achieve what I am trying to do here?
In [SparkFun_STUSB4500_Arduino_Library this would be similar to running the following :-
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SparkFun_STUSB4500.h>
STUSB4500 usb;
void setup()
Wire.begin(); //Join I2C bus
Serial.println("Cannot connect to STUSB4500.");
Serial.println("Is the board connected? Is the device ID correct?");
Serial.println("Connected to STUSB4500!");
// The following should disable the output
// The following should re-enable the output
void loop() {}
](GitHub - sparkfun/SparkFun_STUSB4500_Arduino_Library: Communicates with the STUSB4500 over I2C to easily add USB-C Power Delivery into your project.)](How can I determine Source PDO capabilities? - STMicroelectronics Community)](STUSB4500/Firmware at master · usb-c/STUSB4500 · GitHub)](GitHub - sparkfun/SparkFun_STUSB4500_Arduino_Library: Communicates with the STUSB4500 over I2C to easily add USB-C Power Delivery into your project.)](SparkFun Power Delivery Board - USB-C (Qwiic) - DEV-15801 - SparkFun Electronics)