quick question about SPI and 74HC595


I have a project where I need to open 28 little doors, via 28 little solenoids – not at the same time.

I’m new to Arduino and learned about SPI and 74HC595.

I’ve assembled LED projects and understand most of the concept, but I have a few quick questions.

Does 1 or 2 , or more, 74HC595 allow you to address a particular location along all those pins? Out of 32 pins, supposed I wanted to pull pin 12 high for 1/10 seconds. Can that be done?

Can I look at each pin to see its state? Is it HIGH? Is it LOW?

Tony Perry

Posted over at Arduino too

Using the 74HC595 shift register breakout could work. You’ll have to ensure that the current consumed by each solenoid is less that 35mA as per the datasheet: https://cdn.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Bre … 4HC595.pdf

You could view their states, but the simplest way would be with LEDs but that drains more current.