Quiic Twist: Programming its ATtiny84 (Updating Firmware to v1.2)

I purchased a [SparkFun Quiic Twist (DEV-15083) only a few months back (sometime during March of 2020, I believe) and only got around to starting the project where it would be used this past week. Once I hooked it up and began to make calls to its Arduino Library code ([sparkfun/SparkFun_Qwiic_Twist_Arduino_Library), I quickly realized that some of the advertised features that I required (namely, the rotation limiter) were not available. Shortly thereafter I realized that it was programmed with only the original v1.0 firmware, despite the fact that I purchased it a year after v1.1 of the firmware was released and six months after the latest firmware v1.2 was released ([sparkfun/Qwiic_Twist)![/i]
I did not expect to receive a product from Sparkfun that was missing advertised features due to the original v1.0 firmware being supplied instead of the current v1.2 release, and moreover, I don’t find it remotely acceptable that I am now required to spend almost as much as I did on the original product itself [~$20] to purchase a [Tiny AVR Programmer (PGM-11801) [~$16] just so I can program the ATtiny84 at the heart of the Quiic Twist with the latest v1.2 firmware so that the product API exposed marketed features.
Having said that, outside of the product’s [hook-up guide and its brief mention of firmware upgradability, I was also unable to find any documentation regarding the steps required to successfully complete a firmware upgrade, nor am I familiar with programming any of the ATtiny family of microcontrollers. Can anyone provide details as to this process? Is it possible to program this device without the aforementioned Tiny AVR Programmer? I also [opened a GitHub ticket requesting details on this process. Any advice is much appreciated.](Steps for Flashing Updated Firmware · Issue #8 · sparkfun/Qwiic_Twist · GitHub)](Qwiic Twist Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn)](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11801)](GitHub - sparkfun/Qwiic_Twist: A digital RGB encoder controllable and readable over I2C.)](GitHub - sparkfun/SparkFun_Qwiic_Twist_Arduino_Library: An Arduino library to control the SparkFun digital illuminated encoder called Qwiic Twist.)](SparkFun Qwiic Twist - RGB Rotary Encoder Breakout - DEV-15083 - SparkFun Electronics)

A GitHub ticket is a great choice to go. That will have higher visibility with our engineers for your problem. In the meantime, I would suggest looking at the following resources to help get you started:

https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/ho … irtual-usb

https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/po … ia-arduino

Is there any way to get an exchange on the product with an updated firmware version or something? I haven’t gotten any useful response on GitHub or elsewhere yet and am unsure how to continue.

Unfortunately, that is outside of the returns window as laid out in our Returns Policy (https://sparkfun.com/returns). You’ll have to purchase a new module.