Quiic Twist RGB-Encoder - IRQ-Pin has no Funktion after any hours ?

Hi all,

i have 4 Quiic Twist RGB-Encoder with Firmware 1.2, after any hours, the IRQ-Pin has no Output changing.

The Output ist on High, 3,233V and will not change to LOW, after the Encoder is moving, clicking, or pressed.

The Rest of the Twist Funktion, move, click, pressed is still aktive, only the IRQ is not aktive.

Reset, Power on, off will not change it.

i have in the Arduino IDE 1.8.16, Teensyduino 1.55, the programm-code :


const byte EncoderAInterruptPin = 35;

const byte EncoderAInterruptPin = 37;


and under void(setup)

pinMode(EncoderAInterruptPin, INPUT_PULLUP); //GPIO Pin 35 setzen als Eingang, Pullup

if ((EncoderA.begin(Wire,0x3F)) the 1. Encoder and

if ((EncoderB.begin(Wire,0x3E)), the 2. Encoder. The i2c Address is changing with solder-jumper.

the encoder run, and after any hours, the irq will send no signal more.

i have check it with my handheld scope, no signal,

First, i think i have the 1 and 2 encoder with wrong power of 5 V aktived,

(this 2 encoder will run any minutes with 5 V, sorry my mistake, but had then run any hours with the correct

power 3,3V and then no IRQ signal any more.

At moment the 2 Encoders are so ok, as Encoder 3 and 4

Encoder 3,4 has run only on 3.3V, and also lost the IRQ-Funktion after any hours.

All other Funktion of the Encoder i can test, but no IRQ Funktion more?

My i2c Bus is with i2c-isolators separed, to protect the host-teensy4.1 with expansionboard(4.1), so the

build is pin-compatibel with arduino due, mega2560R3.

the usb-isolator has on both side 10K terminator for scl,sda

so the handheld-scope will show a good 100k i2c signal.

The other i2c devices still runing, ds3231rtc, 2 twist encoders, 1x4 keys, gyrosensor,

no i2c address error, checking with i2c-address scanner.

Any idea, why the 4 Encoder will not send any IRQ-Signal???

ah,sorry for my english, i am german.


in the post ist an error:

const byte EncoderAInterruptPin = 35;

const byte EncoderBInterruptPin = 37; copy an paste user error.

I think, i has an idee, was the problem with my 4 Encoders is:

In the guide to the encoder is a register-map, and note, that Byte 4 is my Problem!

He is set to NULL or has lost his setting.?

At Moment i construct my Sensor-Display and i don´t write to a register-byte

to this address??

When i aktive the Byte 4, with 0x3, (button,encoder IRQ aktive), the exsample with the encoder interrupts is working.

To compile my sketch and load it in the teensy4.1, the encoders are not working??

i think a library or compile error to initalize the programm???

a problem. i use at moment 25 librarys and i have no idee to find the error .

in the sketch is a hardware-funktion-check at all 60 sec.

and i add there the write -code to both encoders A,B

//EncoderA, Byte 4, Wert: 03, Interrupt: clicked,moved,pressed, aktivieren

Wire.beginTransmission(0x3F); //Anfang Register write

Wire.write(0x04); //Register Auswahl

Wire.write(0x3); //Wert, Taste,Encoder

Wire.endTransmission(); //Ende Register write

the same is with address 0x3E,

and at moment the Encoders A and B are working.

Give it a write-protect to the registermap or so??

i don´t find the error, or a fault in the Arduino IDE, Teenyduino IDE,

the last Arduino is a due, and i have change 30% of the code .

Thanks, RS