I purchased the original qwiic hat with all the sockets along one side and also bought some connecting wires that have the male plug on one end and bare wire on other end. I’m curious about how to solder these to some non-qwiic boards that I currently own as the wire is super small gauge and was wwondering if there is any sort of guidance on best accomplishing that.
We have a nice guide here on soldering - from tools you’ll need to a video showing how to solder along side some pictures:
https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/ho … dering/all
If I understand you right the “male plug” is one of these: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14425? If you solder that to other I2C components keep in mind that black is ground, red is power, yellow is SCL (I2C clock), and blue is SDA (I2C Data).
I’ve done plenty of soldering and understand I2C and color codes. This is more about fact that wire looks like it must be 40 ga. Like hair it is so thin. I’m used to standard pin headers and these are so small a diameter that wire and insulation easily fit through holes where pin header would go. That may be a factor from buying the bundle of wires off Amazon whereas I bought the hat from you all but I still assume your wires are pretty small gauge based on size of those jst 1.0 connectors
For example I have a couple of your lightning detector boards that are not qwiic so I need to go from pine header to qwiic on those
Historically I’ve bought pre-crimped wires and varying connectors from Pololu but this is much smaller gauge
Well if you need larger gauge we certainly sell that. If you need some tips, I would suggest using some clamps to hold everything in place. Hope that helps.
Hi ankonaskiff17.
It might be easier for you to use a cable like [PRT-14425 or [CAB-14988 rather than stripping and soldering the bare wires. Just solder male or female headers to your non Qwiic board and plug connectors on each wire right in.
If you don’t have headers, the pins on CAB-14988 could be soldered to your board.](Flexible Qwiic Cable - Female Jumper (4-pin) - CAB-17261 - SparkFun Electronics)](Qwiic Cable - Breadboard Jumper (4-pin) - PRT-14425 - SparkFun Electronics)
You did indirectly answer one question in that the wire on your cables is much heavier than the wire on the single ended Amazon cables. I have loads of the crimp connectors where I could just purchase your 100 mm double ended cable, cut it in half and put crimp female ends on each and have a pair of 50mm.