Qwiic Motor Driver - Bridging A&B

Hi, I hope this is the right place and the right terminology.

I have a Qwiic Motor Driver and I would like to bridge (synchronize) the Master Motor A & Motor B control.

What is the proper code to that?

And then how do you utilize the bridged output?

I tried using myMotorDriver.bridgingMode( 0, 1 ); but that does not seem to work.

Or if it is correct, then using myMotorDriver.setDrive( 0, 0, 255); is not activating both motors outputs.

Or am I missing something else entirely?

Thank you for any assistance

There’s two parts to bridging. You need to do some of it in code and the rest is done in hardware. Be careful though, if you bridge in hardware but not in the code, it’s possible to blow the driver with the wrong sequence of commands.

We have an example that utilizes bridging, you might have a look at that.

https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_Se … idging.ino

For bridging in the hardware, you’d connect A1 and B1 together and have that be your first motor wire and then A2 and B2 are your second motor wire.

Thank you for the feedback and the warning.

I did look through that example but became quickly confused because they are using 3 motor drivers…

  //Configure bridging modes
  myMotorDriver.bridgingMode( 1, 1 );  //( DriverNum 1, bridged state = 1 )  This will bridge the first slave

  //Uncomment to set inversion
  //myMotorDriver.inversionMode(0, 1); //invert master, channel A
  //myMotorDriver.inversionMode(1, 1); //invert master, channel B
  //myMotorDriver.inversionMode(2, 1); //invert slave 1, channel A
  //    no need to configure motor 3, this position does nothing because the slave is bridged.
  //myMotorDriver.inversionMode(4, 1); //invert slave 2, channel A
  //myMotorDriver.inversionMode(5, 1); //invert slave 2, channel B

So there are 3 Driver Numbers 0, 1 & 2 and 6 Motors (A & B for each) right?

And the code bridges Slave 1 Channel B to Slave 1 Channel A?

So if I have only one Motor Driver and I want Bridge Master Channel B to Master Channel A it would be this?

myMotorDriver.bridgingMode( 0, 1 ); 

And now any commend sent to Master Channel A will be replicated on Master Channel B?

Such as…

myMotorDriver.setDrive( 0, 1, 255);

…should turn on both Channels A & B?

I tried that but it wasn’t working with the fan, so I will do some testing with some other motors to be sure it is working and confirm it is just the actual fan which is the problem.

Thank you for your help.