QWIIC Motor Driver ROB-15451 Not working with Redboard Artemis Board - HELP!


I bought a Redboard Artemis board (both ATP and the regular board).

I installed the Apollo library as specified.

I also bought a bunch of QWIIC equipment including OLED Display, Temperaure Sensor, and TWIST switch and they all work with the board.

However, for the life of me, I cannot get the Motor Driver to work using the MotorTest01 example with I2C address set to 0x5D. The Blue Light Diode blinks. Only the Motor Driver is connected, so no need to disable the SDA & SDC Pull up Resistors. 2 Motors are connected (same as shown in the guide)

It will NOT respond with the expected ID 0xA9 (*)

I tried to just use a delay and bypass this test, but the other checks also fails. I have used days experimenting, but it will not work!


(*) The example should have used the Constant “ID_WORD” which is defined in the library!

I’m still looking into why this is the case, but for if you add: ```

That did the trick!

You are now my Son’s star!