Qwiic Scale Two Channels

The Qwiic Scale provides two channels. However, when connecting two load cells they seem to have an effect on each other. If I am reading the ADC value for Channel A and put a weight on the load cell connected to Channel A, the ADC value increases as expected. However, while still reading only Channel A and placing a weight on the load cell attached to Channel B, the ADC value still increases. It doesn’t increase nearly as much but it definitely still increases.

This is performed with an Arduino Nano Every plugged into a Qwiic Scale board which is plugged into two separate load cells. We have tried this with custom code, the Example1_BasicReadings code, and Example2_CompleteScale code with the same interaction.

Is there a way to make the channel readings not effect each other?

Do you see values on Channel B when you place weight on Channel A?

Also, did you disconnect the capacitor jumper as described in the hookup guide: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/qw … e-overview?