Qwiic Spectral Sensor


I saw the new Qwiic Spectral Sensor - AS7341. Therefor are you planning to release a version that measure all the spectrum from UV to IR or between 400-700nm? It will open new ideas for DIY.


The AS7341’s sensors operate @ 415nm, 445nm, 480nm, 515nm, 555nm, 590nm, 630nm, 680nm…which covers 400-700nm, and also clear and near infrared, altogether combing to cover 300-1000nm - check out the datasheet here https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/0/8/e/2 … 4_3-00.pdf. If you are looking for a single sensor that cover that entire range, there likely won’t be one for a very long time (sensors are designed to detect certain frequency bands…

Also check out the spectral triad sensor https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15050

Best of luck!