Why is it whenever I read “General ChitChat” I want to know who is the Colonel of ChitChat ? Or the Major ?
Does ChitChat have a hierarchical structure ? And if so what are the proper ranks ? I’d hate to offend someone due to my ignorance (not being a military aware person) of the issue.
Shirley this issue has come up before now ! :twisted:
Also I’ve heard of organizations giving out “chits” for “dis” or “dat” but for chat ? Huh ?
Right now there are no special features or ranks in this subforum. I was hoping this would have taken off a lot faster than it has so far but apparently we’re not all social butterflies!
I liked the “Karma” rankings on the Arduino forums. You could even go a step further by giving away prizes to the highest member. The prize doesn’t have to be big, say $20 credit for Sparkfun. And you can announce the winner once a month. This WILL get it going!
And it also encourages us to help members even more vigorously. Pretty sure there is an add-on for PHPBB3 for this.
Hmmm, when I mentioned “ranks” it was just intended to be wordplay on the General in General Chit Chat. But if SF want’s to award some SWAG for “karma”, who am I to dis dat. :mrgreen: