Idea for a cheap PIC programmer to replace/supplement the PG-1: the RCD programmer, as documented here:
I had some serious problems with the PG-1 and discovered problems with JDM designs and PICs like the 12F675 when using the internal oscillator. Those problems can be found documented here:
That link advises adding a MOSFET to the JDM design, but I wasn’t able to modify my PG-1 so I can’t vouch for it.
The RCD I built works great, though. Very simple–only resistors, caps, and diodes are needed (hence the name). After a bit of playing around, it now works perfectly 100% of the time.
There are only 16 components which should be <$1 in total cost (not counting wire/PCB/housing/etc.).
Incidentally, no criticism of Olimex is meant–the PG-1 works perfectly as designed. The problem is with the JDM design, not Olimex’s workmanship (which is exemplary, expecially for an $11 item!).