Reading a roll of RFID tags with the M6e Nano?

In addition to pre-printed bibs with an RFID tag affixed to them, we also have a small number of blank bibs that we can assign at the last minute, along with a roll of RFID tags that we can affix to these bibs if necessary. Unused RFID tags can be returned to our timing partner for credit, as long as they are still in a roll.

Will it be feasible to scan the roll of tags without having to detach them individually? We can certainly unroll them and place them in close proximity to the external antenna.


The RFID signal needs to be strong enough to provide enough power for the tag. If they are fit on a roll they might not get enough RFID signal.

Next to that under normal working conditions, the TAGs closest to the antenna will respond to the stronger signal and continue to respond and thus being detected the most.

When multiple tags in front of an antenna it will cause multiple responses and thus (potential) collisions.

From previous posts, I know you are using Python on the MercuryAPI. That supports “GEN2 Tag connection settings”. I would advise you to look at READER/GEN2/Q and READER/GEN2/SESSION. (in the MercuryAPI programmers manual).

The ‘Q’ can enable the tags to respond in a certain random sequence, with “SESSION” you instruct a tag what to do once it has responded.

Thanks Paul. I will take a look at the GEN2 settings and experiment once I have that roll of tags.