Reading & updating UNO bootloader

: I need some help, I have a lot of Arduino UNO boards and I am looking to first see what bootloader I have currently, then If it is old/outdated I would like to upgrade to something like optoboot 8.0 or whatever is the latest. I am looking at the pocket AVR Programmer, would this be the best option for me? and what will I need to see what current bootloader ver I have now. thank you in advance.

You can update the bootloader anytime: … der/547669

But reading the bootloader does not sound straightforward. Let’s see if anyone has first-hand experience.

why is it so difficult to read the current bootloader. Hopefully someone has a answer.

Just put whatever bootloader you want on your board. The new will replace the old and there’s no issue putting the same version on that was there before.

I wouldn’t waste your time trying to figure out what’s on there now when it only takes 30 seconds to put a known version on.