Reconfiguring XBee2 with Sparkfun XBee Explorer dongle


A colleague and I are trying to transition two XBee Series 2 radios ( from a working Waspmote platform to Arduino Uno using the Sparkfun XBee Explorer dongle (

We have attempted serial programming the XBees by way of PuTTY as is detailed in a number of web tutorials. Upon initializing the programming process by typing “+++” in the terminal, there is no response. We have also attempted X-CTU programming of the XBees but we receive the message, “Unable to communicate with modem”.

One thought is that our XBee module must be reset, but we haven’t found a clear way to reset it as it’s connected to this particular dongle.

Any advice would be awesome. Is there a simple reset method? Might that even be our problem? Or is there something else entirely we’ve missed?


Of course, you’ve got matching baud rates?