recording audio to USB drive

Hi, I’m looking for a solution to a audio recording problem. It might be a lot simpler then I think, but I’m not finding a straightforward answer.

I’m looking to create a recording device that can take 2 audio inputs and record them to a USB drive in separate tracks. Without any set time limit. The limiting factor being the size of the USB drive.

I would assume (probably incorrectly) that most microcontrollers should be able to handle a task like this with the correct components and programing.

My overall goal is to create a working prototype that I can use as a proof of concept for a funding campaign.

Sorry if I’m being a little vague, I just don’t know what questions to ask at this point. I would like to get in touch with someone that has a better grasp on this kind of equipment than me.


Aren’t there already many off the shelf devices that can do this? What do you need to accomplish that they can’t do?

Kinda, but they tend to be overpriced to start with. What I’m looking for is a simpler stripped down version.

By the time you design and construct such a device, you could have spent a $2 more and got one off the shelf. This would be a fun project if you wanted to learn audio… But if this is a one time project, your going to get discouraged.

from what I know… you’d need a USB Host shield just to talk with the USB/flash drive… (thats roughly $20+ right there!)

I think the Adafruit WaveShield has a library that records audio… but I think it saves to a SD card instead…(and even then I’m not sure how much you can record in one go!)

Two comments have mentioned off the shelf devices. Could you put up a link to one or two of them for me, so I can see what you are suggesting. I haven’t been able to find what I’m looking for for under $300.00


$16: … r/39520434

$44: … fgodNnEPbw

More professional for $69.99: … HGCCX7D0Y4