I’ve set up the RedBoard on Windows 8 by downloading the IDE from the official Arduino website (the IDE seems to have installed the drivers, since it shows arduino port) and running the blink test from [SIK guide (circuit 1 aka blinking LED).
The blinking works fine for some time, than it starts to blink really fast and after a few seconds returns to normal blink rate, later starts to blink fast again, etc. (the LED next to pin 13 on the board blinks as well).
I tried changing the pin to pin 12 (by changing wires and updating the sketch) and get the same problem.
Furthermore, even if I set output to 13 and leave the wires in 12 instead of 13, the LED is turned off (as expected), but will eventually dimly blink (periodically in the fast pace that is not part of the sketch), which (since the output pin is programmed to be pin 13) seems odd to say the least.
Finally I tried to modify the sketch to simply light up the LED by only leaving digitalWrite(13, HIGH) in the loop, and again from time to time it starts the odd fast paced blinking.
I tried replacing the wire that leads from the pin to the LED, but nothing changed.
I also tried reseting the board manually, didn’t work.
So, I decided to try two more things, than gave interesting results:
- When I use an empty sketch (see below), the fast periodical blinking will still occur
void setup()
void loop()
- If I modify the sketch to write to Serial(see below), than it will work as expected (normal blinking with roughly 1s on and 1s off), but only when the IDE Serial monitor is open
void setup()
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
void loop()
digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // Turn on the LED
delay(1000); // Wait for one second
digitalWrite(13, LOW); // Turn off the LED
delay(1000); // Wait for one second
Any ideas what to try next or is this a broken circuit?
P.S.: Under Tools–>Board, I have board Arduino Uno selected](SIK Code Download Page - SparkFun Electronics)