I’ve browsed and searched but I can’t seem to find any sort of comparison between these two. I was looking at SparkFun Inventor’s Kit for RedBot vs the Micro:bit kit based on the Shadow platform. The redbot looks like it’s a bit more flexible but the Micro:bit has the gui (I’ll be doing this with a very young kid).
Is there a comparison/rundown anywhere?
We don’t currently have that comparison documented. I would say that the Redbot is focused on a more ‘bare-metal’ example than the Micro:bot. The largest difference is programming. If you’re teaching a child who not grasp the more difficult concepts yet then I would recommend the Micro:bit because of that simple programming GUI. However, with the Redbot you’ll get a more ‘industrial’ experience that would be recommended for older children who can grasp those concepts.
Ultimately, it comes down to your decision of what will best help educate your child.
Thanks - that seemed to be the main difference. My son is very interested but quite young (7) , very eager, and extremely smart, but with a low frustration tolerance. Micro:bit it is. Anything I can do to stack the deck for him.