Reference Station config for RTK2go - latest firmware

Following the tutorial, I am using the USB output of the F9F to send data to strsvr on a laptop and then onto RTK2go. I am not sure that is the preferred method, but that is what is in the tutorial - which I suspect is out of date - shows:
(How to Build a DIY GNSS Reference Station - SparkFun Learn).

The issue I have is not getting a green indication on the RTK2go side. I suspect that is because the data rate is too high. RTK2go talks about 6K bps in their FAQ as a max. The tutorial shows a data rate of 4,536 bps. My data rate is currently 11.5 kbps after turning off a lot of messages from the default config.

I turned off all the NMEA messages and RTCM 3.x messages 1077/87/97/1127/4072 and set the rate for 1230 to 10. That got it down from 30k to the 11.5 k. What else should I turn off? Or should I be doing this in a different way with the current firmware?


Hi Ken (@kpjamro ),

When you say “Reference Station”, can I just check you are talking about this product:

The RTK firmware defaults to a measurement rate of 4Hz - in Rover mode. In Base mode, it should drop to 1Hz automatically. It sounds like you are still in Rover mode?

The Reference Station can send RTCM direct to RTK2go. Please have a read through this part of the manual:

RTK2go is covered in this section:

I hope this helps,

Thanks for the reply. Yes that is the device. I think it is the only Enclosed GPS product.

There are a lot of instructions on the SparkFun site - it was hard to know which to follow.

I had been working from the u-blox/u-center side up to now.

I went into the esp32 html menu using the wifi connection method.
I set it for fixed operation with my ECEF coords and enabled the NTRIP server (not client) using the mount point and PW from RTK2go. I pushed a few buttons that seemed appropriate. I had previously configured a DHCP client connection to my LAN, so I plugged in that cable.

After rebooting, it says it is Casting (even though I no longer see it on my LAN).

Here is the listing on RTK2go:
STR;BullRunMtn1;Haymarket;RTCM 3.2;1074(1),1084(1),1094(1),1124(1),1230(10);2;GPS+GLO+GAL+BDS;SNIP;USA;0.00;0.00;1;0;sNTRIP;none;B;N;3460;

Does that look OK?

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. A much smaller (concise) set of instructions for this specific use would be an improvement in the user experience.

Hi Ken (@kpjamro ),

Glad it’s working for you.

You can get a more detailed report from RTK2go at:

Your message count is increasing nicely. But you’re not outputting any 1005 messages so your base position isn’t known. You’ll need to enable those before any rover clients can use your data.

For comparison, here’s the SparkFun base:

Best wishes,

OK – how to do this?

I tried using the serial port to ESP32 and the RTCM menu item for 1005. Turned it to “1” exited the menus and restarted the unit.
No luck.

I can see in U-Center that RTCM message 1005 is set to 1, in flash, for UART2.

(The messages that do come through are the ones that happen to be set in flash for UART2 – is this correct?).

I also had a look at the WiFi HTML setup page under ‘configure NTRIP server’ and the 1005 message is configured as seen from there too.

But the new message does not show up on RTK2gp.



Hi Ken,

Are you sure your Reference Station is in Base mode? Do you see the Castle icon on the display? And the word Casting? Please upload a photo if possible.

On the Reference Station, messages are passed from the GNSS to the ESP32 over SPI. UART2 is connected to the IO screw terminals on the rear panel - for an optional external radio link.

I hope this helps,

OK - I could not find that info about which port was for the ESP32.

The OLED symbols show the unit is in base mode on my LAN and casting.
The status LED is green.

Checking SPI, I see that message 1005 is config’d for USART2, USB and SPI.
I turned off UART2 and sent the changes (it is still going to USB).
Now it looks like this:

But something else may be wrong as the packet window looks like this:

??:??:??  R -> UBX RXM-RAWX,  Size 1272,  'Multi-GNSS Raw Measurement Data'
??:??:??  R -> RTCM3 1074,  Size 129,  'GPS MSM4'
??:??:??  R -> RTCM3 1084,  Size 100,  'GLONASS MSM4'
??:??:??  R -> RTCM3 1094,  Size 144,  'Galileo MSM4'
??:??:??  R -> RTCM3 1124,  Size  69,  'BeiDou MSM4'
??:??:??  R -> UBX RXM-RAWX,  Size 1208,  'Multi-GNSS Raw Measurement Data'
??:??:??  R -> RTCM3 1074,  Size 129,  'GPS MSM4'
??:??:??  R -> RTCM3 1084,  Size 115,  'GLONASS MSM4'
??:??:??  R -> RTCM3 1094,  Size 144,  'Galileo MSM4'
??:??:??  R -> RTCM3 1124,  Size  69,  'BeiDou MSM4'
??:??:??  R -> RTCM3 1230,  Size  10,  'GLONASS code-phase biases'

It’s still missing 1005. But all those question marks? Is that normal when in fixed position mode?


edit: use this tool instead of what I posted previously: NGS Coordinate Conversion and Transformation Tool (NCAT)
my ECEF as entered looks correct.

I finally got message 1005 to appear.

What it required was to go into the sub-menu for setting message frequency and exit from that menu. I was using the serial console - don’t know if the web interface is the same.

Basically, it is not enough to enable the message, you have to explicitly set a frequency for it - even though there was already a frequency showing for it.

Now - about those question marks?

Hi Ken (@kpjamro ),

OK. Good. I’m glad that’s working for you.

When you change the message settings via the serial menus, you need to completely exit the menus before the changes are saved. Keep pressing ‘x’ until you leave the main menu. Only then is it safe to restart the firmware.

Any changes you apply using u-center will be overwritten the next time the firmware restarts. u-center is a very useful tool, but you can’t use it to make changes to the firmware settings.

The question marks appear because u-center doesn’t know the GNSS time. If you enable the standard NMEA GGA message, the time will appear.

Best wishes,