Remote "ATIS" syntax

I really need some help here. Can someone help me with the proper syntax for sending a remote XBee the “ATIS” command?

Basically is the following structure correct, if not pleas correct

Start Delimiter: 7E

Length: MSB LSB

API Identifier: 08 (for AT commands)

API Frame ID: 01 (Arbitrary)

Destination Address (SH & SL): 64 bits

Destination Address (DL): 16 bits

AT CMD (payload): 4953 (IS command, in HEX)

Checksum: 1 Byte



Well, I figured out my problem and here’s the correct syntax.

7E 00 0F 17 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FE 00 49 53 50

Basically, use the “Remote AT Command Request” structure.


In the above hex string, the 64-bit destination address = 0x00000000 0000FFFF (Broadcast) and the 16-bit Destination Network Address = 0xFFFE, which denotes an unkown network address. Lastly, don’t forget to recalculate the Checksum byte.

To perform a Force Sample (IS) on particular remote device, just replace the 64-bit Broadcast Address and unknown 16-bit Network Address with the actually addresses of the remote device.

Don’t forget to recalculate the Checksum byte