Thanks Lyndon.
I was thinking that desoldering some plastic switches and replacing them would be a decent place to start learning, even before you started pumping out acdc-slang I knew I was in a bit over my head - but glory comes to those that dare, right?
I have about 17 tabs open right now and I have been watching a ton of youtube - I’m still struggling to visualize the concept and schematics for this. But like I said, please bear with me. I might not be smart, but I can be stubborn as hell. 8)
While researching these terms and learning a little bit about capacitators, resistors, breadboards and whatnot I’ve also come across a few other pages and ideas that are doing somewhat the same thing I will be trying to achieve here (all though there are a lot more tutorials on the opposite system, known as flip-flops / latch - where a momentary switch is used as a toggle switch).Anyway I’ll list them for reference and in case someone else who are on a similar mission finds this thread. (using a relay) (using opto) … ostcount=9 (using a dtdp switch and two 1uf capacitors) (Using a 74121 OneShot) … n-off-a-pc
(I read and read and try to understand the above guides, but they’re all still quite greek to me!)
Unfortunately it seems those nice old toggle switches will have to go back into the drawer as they are SPST (single-pole, single-throw) I guess I will need SPDT?
…Or is this where the Logic Gate comes into play - Using a “NOT gate”? I’m really a bit lost here.
This is what I (think) I understand so far…
The [OneShot aka Monostable Multivibrator aka Timer transforms the stable On/Off current from the toggle switch into a brief pulse signal, similar to what the original momentary switch is creating.
The Logic gate is to make the One Shot send a pulse to the Off button IF there is NO current running?
The [Optocouplers (photocouplers, optoisolators, optical isolators) is used to make sure the voltage that reaches the momentary switch is not frying it? Or is it an alternative to the 555?
Is this part necceasary? Also because it costs $9.90 and if I need 1x of these for each buttton on each 4 channels, it will turn into quite an expensive design.
I hate to be begging for more help, but I could really use it / schematics to help me visualize and understand all of this.
I have started making a shopping list, including a breadboard and some starting kits so I can mess around a bit…
And for this project I have:
8 x [Optocouplers
8 x [555 timers (these things look very fun, so I’ll get a few extra!)
4 x Logic gates. (I can only find this rather expensive [Kit on Sparkfun…?? )
Also, while I’m shopping - would you reccomend the [Raspberry Pi 2 B or the [Arduino Uno R3 (I’ll eventually end up creating a robot that paints the floor in our photostudio at night for us… Hopefully)](](](](](](](