Replacement for LCD-09394

I’m working on a project in which they used to use the LCD-09394 display (Serial Enabled 16x2 LCD - Red on Black 5V - LCD-09394 - SparkFun Electronics) and bought LCD-00709 (Basic 16x2 Character LCD - White on Black 5V - LCD-00709 - SparkFun Electronics) as a replacement. The original used a 3-pin JST connection, however, I was reading the datasheet and I’m not sure which pins to use as a replacement.
Would I be able to use pins 1, 2, and 5 as a replacement for this missing JST connector? Or is there an alternative LCD that has a JST connection that would work better.
Thanks in advance.

So LCD-09394 is a serial LCD. It uses a standard parallel (HD44780-based) LCD, adds a controller (much like this one - Adafruit USB + Serial LCD Backpack) to convert the parallel interface into serial. This is great cause it simplifies the connections and allows you to only use 3 pins (vs 6 or more pins) and simplifies the code as the serial driver is pretty straight forward.

The LCD-00709 is a parallel LCD (based on same HD44780 controller) but without any serial controller added to it. So if you want to use it, the connections are different, and the driver and code are different. - take a look at Basic Character LCD Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn.

Some serial alternatives (from SFE):
SparkFun Serial Enabled LCD Kit - LCD-10097 - SparkFun Electronics
SparkFun 20x4 SerLCD - RGB Backlight (Qwiic) - LCD-16398 - SparkFun Electronics
SparkFun 16x2 SerLCD - RGB Text (Qwiic) - LCD-16397 - SparkFun Electronics

For the LCD-00709, which is a basic 16x2 character LCD, you can’t directly use pins 1, 2, and 5 as a replacement for the 3-pin JST connector that was used with the LCD-09394. The LCD-00709 requires more detailed wiring to function properly, as it doesn’t have the built-in serial interface like the LCD-09394.

Here’s a breakdown:

Pin 1: Ground (GND)

Pin 2: VCC (Power supply, 5V)

Pin 5: Read/Write (R/W), which determines the direction of data transfer.

To replace the serial-enabled LCD-09394, you would need to consider the data lines and control lines needed for the LCD-00709, which includes more pins such as RS (Register Select), E (Enable), and the data pins (D0-D7).

If you’re looking for an easier alternative, you could search for a serial-enabled 16x2 LCD that has the same JST connector interface as the LCD-09394. SparkFun or other electronics suppliers may carry similar models with built-in serial interfaces that reduce the number of pins you need to connect.