RF Components for nrf24l01+ ?

Hi all,

I am designing a PCB which included Nordic NRF24L01+ and was wondering if anyone can share the list of components that they have successfully used. The components should be available from online retailers like DigiKey/Mouser etc. If you can give me the exact part number that will be great.


Use the same components that Nordic uses in their reference design. I think they provide a BOM.



Thanks however their BOM does not include the manufacturer’s part number. I am looking for someone who is using these parts that are cheap and work well with nrf24l01+.


Did you ever get your PCB working with the nRF24L01+ reference design? I recently did something similar but had to make some changes to their layout in order to get things working.

I have a pretty well stocked “Junk box” of standard 0603 and 0402 components. I used the reference design with Digikey off the shelf parts, and it worked fine for a number of sensor modules.

With hand picked parts chosen for highest Q and lowest loss, you may be able to push the design for better distance.

Keep in mind that it is 2.4 gig and a sheet of wet paper towel will severly attenuate the signal, much less sheetrock and brick in the normal urban setting. If you will use the IC in a device for sale, you will face interference issues if you change the part values substantially.
