RFID sample rate / samples frequency

Hello everyone,

I am new to the RFID world and I would be glad to have a quick high-level feedback to understand the feasibility of a project I would like to realize.


The idea would be to design a wearable passive RFID system composed by an RFID tag, a MCU/ADC to read a voltage changing over time, a proper antenna/coil to power the system itself (as I don’t want to use batteries). An external RFID receiver should be placed at 2-3 meters distance, read (and power) this passive RFID system to get the value of the voltage changing over time. Sample rate should be in the order of tens of Hz (but I really don’t know how fast you can go with RFID).


  1. Does this project sound feasible based on your experience? (the antenna on the passive RFID tag system shouldn’t be very big as the goal is to have a wearable device, I envision few centimeters)

  2. Generally speaking, how fast can an external RFID receiver read from a single tag or multiple tags? In other words, what is the maximum sample rate I can get for a continuous reading? In the Sparkfun “RFID basic” guide I read that sample rate is faster for passive tags (rather than actives ones, why?), but I didn’t understand how fast in terms of Hz or samples per second.

Thank you everyone for your help :slight_smile:

