RINEX formatting error with CRCS

I’m making my first attempt to setup and RTK base station using a Sparkfun board. I have my GPS antenna mounted in a fixed location with a good view of the sky and have recorded about 6 hours of data using U-Center. I’ve then used RTKCONV to create and OBS file and submit it to CRCS for processing. CRCS responds nearly immediately with the following…Error : The RINEX file contains formatting errors in the observations at epoch 2024 4 9 11 53 7.00. Please correct and resubmit.

I’ll try to attach my OBS file for review

partialOBSfile.txt (3.15 KB)

Perhaps they want RINEX 2.xx formats ?

Or L1 and L2 ?

You got some page for submission rules / expectations ?

What u-Blox module are you using?

Would also suggest using the RTK Explorer fork of RTKLIB, it’s much more up to date, and u-Blox centric, as Tim has used a lot of these devices.



RTK Explorer did the trick. Thanks Clive