Hi People
I’ve been trying to get this RN-XV 171 working for the past month now. My final year project is due in 2 weeks and Im freaking out.
My main purpose of using the RN-XV is, so my device can connect wirelessly and send emails (as urgent notifications), without using any computer (only connection with the router VIA smtp). The wifly library has many simple examples that i’ve stripped code off to construct a code that can be used to send emails. However the library is not working.
My 2 problems are:
I can setup infrasturce mode manually by sending commands in putty but not using the coding on Arduino 1.0 IDE.
The Wifly Alpha 2.0 Library doesn’t work. I tired uploading the wireless auto terminal example but it gets stuck at
WiFly Shield Terminal Routine (and nothing happens)
Is this because I’m using an Arduino Wireless proto shield?
So basically I can get the infrastructure mode working. When I manually program from putty with commands:
set wlan ssid <myrouter’sSSID>
set wlan phrase <myrouter’sphrase>
join myrouter’sSSID
But when I send commands by serial from arduino IDE. I dont any CMD after $$$ sign or . I’ve checked this manually on putty after uploading the program from my IDE
set wlan ssid <myrouter’sSSID>
set wlan phrase <myrouter’sphrase>
join myrouter’sSSID
I really don’t understand what I’m doing wrong and why atleast the auto terminal example is not working. Please help me out.