RTC DEV-15164

After loading the sketch in the Arduino nano IoT 33 , the code indicates that it is running, when checking if a document was written in the SD, there is nothing “examples 1, 2,3” and sometimes it blinks Led 13 Between tests, detect that for the document to be written you have to load the sketch and after loading it into the Arduino disconnect it from the USB and reconnect it and thus the file can be created, despite this the file does not save the characters. In example 4 it does not read. In some comments I read that you have to place a delay of 15 ms, modify the code example 1 and the file was finally created, I repeat the same for example 2 and 3.

I always have to be disconnecting from USB and reconnecting.

If a long string of characters is to be sent, they are lost in writing for example

myLog.println (“This is recorded to the default log file”);

delay (15);

myLog.create (“NewFile.txt”);

delay (15);

myLog.println (“This is also recorded to the default log file. But a new file has been created”);

delay (15);

myLog.println (“If you want to write to a file use appendFile in example 2”);

and is saved

This is recorded to the default log file

This is also recorded to the default log file. But a new file has been ceated

If youwant to write to a file se appendFie in exampe 2

This library https://github.com/sparkfun/Qwiic_OpenLog should be checked since it presents errors, example 6 does not compile since they did not finish writing the code.

appendMe1.txt (627 Bytes)

Example2_AppendFile.rar (1.06 KB)

Example1_WritingLog.rar (949 Bytes)

Do you have a delay after that last line, or at the top of the loop before “myLog.println (“This is recorded to the default log file”);”?

As for the example compilation error, yes, there was an issue with that one. It was the only example that didn’t get sync() renamed to syncFile(). It was most likely just missed by accident. I’ve filed a GitHub issue to have it fixed when possible: https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_Qw … y/issues/8


my openlog connected to Arduino nano 33 iot and I’m trying to record load cell value.

already add the delay between every line and still it not recorded properly, could anyone help by explaining what to do?

Also, I would like to save my load cell calibration factor and off-set value to the sd card and call them when starting the program, I would appreciate help on how to do it.

already add the delay between every line and still it not recorded properly

How is it not working properly? Have you tried the example sketches sparkfun provided?

I would like to save my load cell calibration factor and off-set value to the sd card

You're probably better off doing that in your sketch but if you want to put it on the card it looks like the append file and read file examples would be helpful for this.