SAM9-L9261 Development Board, when aviable? [now aviable]

As indicated in the title, when will be available the board, SAM9-L9261 DEVELOPMENT BOARD FOR AT91SAM9260 MICROCONTROLLER, of Olimex?

In their page has stated that it was available from June, we are in July, someone knows something?

Thanks Luca :smiley:

I am also interested in purchasing this board.

After much waiting the board SAM9-L9261 is now aviable, it is aviable in Italy at [Robot Italy.

I soon will purchase the product for testing, there is someone interested in the same product? to do some experiment together?

Once the purchase the board, I will report some known and some commentary on this site [Luca’s Project.

If there is anyone interested please reply to this post.

Thanks Luca :D](](