SAMD21 Development Board Questions - Pin Assignments

Thanks everyone.

I’m trying to design a board with the samd21 that uses the SARA-R410M-02B which is in the Arduino MKR NB 1500 as well as the SparkFun LTE CAT M1/NB-IoT Shield. Five of the sercoms on the board are used for connection to sensors to monitor weather data. The final sercom is used to connect to the SARA-R410M-02B.

I was going to use the Arudino MKRNB library because of all of the examples that I can modify to connect to a cloud service. However, in my schematic, their are seven connections to the SARA-R410M-02B same as in the Arduino MKR NB 1500 schematic, so I need to change these pin connections in the library somewhere.

I was just searching through the library files which can be found in your Arduino libraries folder after you download it from the libraries manager in the Arduino IDE, however, I couldn’t find anything.

Do you know where I could find the pin connections definitions? I would love help.

Also, @Sparkfun, where do you assign your pins connections in your library for the SARA-R410M-02B? Does do the same?

Thanks Again!

Anyone? What do you do @Sparkfun?

I’m not an expert on Arduino libraries, but it looks like the pins used for software serial are configured within the example sketches, and the power and reset pins are configured at line 57 in the [SparkFun_LTE_Shield_Arduino_Library.h file.

Our library only uses those 4 pins so if you’re making you’re own board that uses more, you’re either going to need to customize the library or account for those pins somewhere in your sketch.](SparkFun_LTE_Shield_Arduino_Library/src/SparkFun_LTE_Shield_Arduino_Library.h at master · sparkfun/SparkFun_LTE_Shield_Arduino_Library · GitHub)

Thank you for your help!