SAMD21 Mini Possible to configure Digital pin to AnalogRead?


In the graphical datasheet supplied by sparkfun for the SAMD21 Mini Breakout it shows that several pins beyond the A0-A4 broken out on the board are available for use as ADCs.

Is it possible from within the Arduino IDE to configure some of the digital i/o pins to be used as analog inputs? If so, how? I need two additional ADC channels beyond what are currently available. Due to the size of my project I would like to use the Mini rather than the Dev.

Most of Atmel’s documentation is focused on using their tools and I have little experience configuring pins on microcontrollers and don’t have the budget to pay for Atmel’s stuff. I have done some work reading and writing registers on the ATMega328, but that is it.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

I just bought the SAMD21 Mini from Sparkfun through Amazon

and it states directly that there are 14 ADC’s 22 GPIO Pins

Now I want access to all the ADC’s

How do i change digital pin 3,4,8,9 to analog pins ?

The Variant.cpp does not seem to have ADC_Channel? setup for ports PA07, PA06,PA09,PA08.

Can anyone give an example of how to enable one of these digital pins into analog for reading
