SAMD21 RF PRO with TTN v3 - possible in November 2021?

Hi everyone,

The guides around SAMD21 RF PRO on TTN are hopelessly outdated so before I embark on what could be an impossible mission I wanted to ping anyone who has been able to successful get SAMD21 RF PRO to work with the new ThingStack aka TTN v3?

I also read that the IBM library is now defunct. Is there a source with real working examples (working today 11-2021) using whatever the current mechanics might be to have a successful TTN node using SAMD21 RF PRO and the new v3 ThingStack?

Thank you


I can attest that I could not get it to work as of 12/2021. :cry:

Thank you for the support; if you ever get to the bottom of it and it starts working please share your success with all of us so that the board doesn’t become a paper weight for those of us who didn’t do research and went with Spark Fun… :slight_smile:

Anyone? Was this just one big waste of money? Anyone out there able to get this thing to run TTN stack?