I am using the code provided in the SAMD21 Mini/Dev Breakout Hookup Guide Example: Serial Ports to try and communicate with a terminal program using Serial1 on a SAMD21 Mini. When I run the code I am able to receive characters sent from the terminal program but I cannot send characters to the terminal from the SAMD21. Any help resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Could you please share a photo & wiring diagram of your current set-up?
I am connecting Serial1 to an RS485 to RS232 converter that is then connected to my computer. I hope this makes sense, sorry I am still learning and am not sure how to make a wiring diagram for this.
It looks like you’re trying to connect RS-485 directly to TTL serial on the SAMD21 board. You need to convert RS-485 back to TTL serial before that will work. You will need a breakout like [BOB-10124 for that to work.](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10124)
That got it to work. Thanks for the help.