i am trying to build a scale and XY coordinates with load cells.
i have: 1 big plate (2X1 meters) and 4 load cells (each is max 200kg).
the 4 load cells are connected to the ground, each of the them separately with bolt from the bottom.
the big plate has 4 bolts, 1 in each corner.
i am putting the plate so the bolts are placed on the load cell where.
All those connections are made right and there are not the problem.
now i want to scale something on the plate and to know the center of pressure of it.
lets start with the scale.
I dont know the weight of the plate and i cant scale it somewhere else. but it sure somewhere around 80-110 kg
before i placed the plate i made some tests.
i individually loaded each load-cell with weight the i know. and made a graph of it, for each load-cell
where x is the mili-volt value that i get from the load cell with amplifier. and Y is the weight that was loaded.
now i placed the plate and got all 4 reads from the load cell. with the Equations i found i just summed all
Y1=y1 + y2 + y3 +y4
then i stood on the plate and measured again all 4 reads. and summed it too:
Y2=y1 + y2 + y3 + +y4
so Y2-Y1 = suppose to be my weight.
But unfortionatly its not working. i weight around 80kg and i get Y2-Y1~300 kg
please help me find what the problem.