I’m using the [ SCD30 in combination with a Teensy 3.2 through I2C with the example code.
When I upload the code and check the serial monitor it’s giving me no data. However, when I unplug the SCD30 and plug it back in it works perfectly… The SCD30 sensor works fine on an Arduino Uno. Also connected other i2c sensors to my Teensy and they all work fine.
I tried an 10uF decoupling capacitor between + and -. Also tried 4,7k pull-up resistors on the i2c lines, no succes… Any suggestions?](CO₂ Humidity and Temperature Sensor - SCD30 - SEN-15112 - SparkFun Electronics)
it got something to do with the SDA i2c line not getting pulled-up to 3.3v, when I hold a resisitor between SDA and 3v3 (or GND) it start working. However, when I solder the resistor permanently it’s still doesn’t work…
Bump, anybody? (internal i2c pull-ups on SCD30 too high?)
The SCD30 has 45K internal pull-up resistors enabled as part of the onboard nSTM32L031G6 processor. That is actually NOT sufficient for a strong enough signal. BOTH SCL and SDA line should an external pull-up resistor (around 5 to 10K). If you have that and it does not work, please share the example code (or link).