Hello how are you everyone ?
I am stuck in this code and still struggling to run it from last three days and night but i giving not resonable Raw data …
kindly help me if someone did work on SCP d11 pressure sensor which is using I2c protocol
what i tried is :
#include <Wire.h>
void setup()
Wire.begin(); // join i2c bus (address optional for master)
Serial.begin(9600); // start serial communication at 9600bps
int reading = 0;
void loop()
// step 1: instruct sensor to read echoes
Wire.beginTransmission(0x11); // transmit to device #112 (0x70)
// the address specified in the datasheet is 224 (0xE0)
// but i2c adressing uses the high 7 bits so it’s 112
Wire.write(byte(0x01)); // sets register pointer to the command register (0x00)
Wire.write(byte(0x55)); // command sensor to measure in “inches” (0x50)
// use 0x51 for centimeters
// use 0x52 for ping microseconds
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
// step 2: wait for readings to happen
delay(70); // datasheet suggests at least 65 milliseconds
// step 3: instruct sensor to return a particular echo reading
Wire.beginTransmission(0x11); // transmit to device #112
Wire.write(byte(0x1F)); // sets register pointer to echo #1 register (0x02)
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
// step 4: request reading from sensor
Wire.requestFrom(112, 1); // request 2 bytes from slave device #112
// step 5: receive reading from sensor
if(2 <= Wire.available()) // if two bytes were received
reading = Wire.read();
Serial.println(reading); // print the reading
delay(250); // wait a bit since people have to read the output
After following all steps which is given in datasheet but it is giving the raw data on MSB byte of Pressure:
If i read 0x80
Lsb bit it gives the same data
if i read 0x81
it again give same 16 bit
I shall be highly thankful if someone help in this regards,