Search function problem

I have an issue with I have never encountered before. Some time ago I searched for the term “audio.” Ever since, every single page that opens on your site has that word entered in the search box and the page obscured by a long list of suggested results. To read the page I have to click the search box, select the contents, delete. Every single page! It’s so annoying it has really dissuaded me from ordering from sparkfun. I have tried deleting your cookies, setting to accept no cookies, clearing cache and history. It’s always there. Doesn’t matter whether I’m logged in or not. There’s no problem with any other site. The issue exists with Firefox (37) and Chrome (42) but not with IE 11. I normally use Firefox and don’t want to change browsers just to shop at sparkfun.

What’s up with this? Any ideas?

That’s a first. Just tried it and it doesn’t happen to me using Firefox… It sounds like a setting. Check your profile settings…

It’s a first for me, too. It’s not obvious how it’s even possible. I didn’t see anything in Profile that could be related. (And every time I move from Settings to Profile to Orders to Addresses, etc., I get a long list of suggestions for “audio.” Firefox and Chrome afflicted. Internet Explorer not.

Can you take a screenshot of what you’re seeing?

Here are three screen shots in a composite.

Top–After entering in address bar and opening.

Center–After selecting and deleting “audio” from search box.

Bottom–After clicking New Products.

Mysterious. I’m going to keep looking. It seems odd that it affects only Sparkfun.

Hooray! I found it. I use Lastpass and it was (for some reason) filling the search box as a form fill. It’s fixed. It didn’t affect IE because it doesn’t accept automatic fills. If it had affected more than just one site I might have found it sooner. I’ll let Lastpass know about it since it wasn’t set to record form contents.

Thanks for your replies. Just keeping me working on it helped a lot.