SEN-10740 MLX90614 Thermometer Low Temperature Reading

Hello I am using SEN-10740 MLX90614 along with Raspberry Pi Model B Rev 1.2. We are utilizing pins 1 for power, 3 for SDA, 5 for SCL and 9 for ground. On the MLX90614 evaluation board we are using GPIO 3.3V for power, GND for ground, A4 for SDA and A5 for the SCL. With the following python script below our temp readings are 30.33 for F2 and 25.65 for F1. We can not figure out why the reading is this low when the sensor is .5-1 inch away from the individuals head. Is the evaluation board bad or is the connection bad? Anyone have any idea on how to troubleshoot this further? Thank you in advance.

import board

import board as io

import adafruit_mlx90614

i2c = io.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA, frequency = 100000)

mlx = adafruit_mlx90614.MLX90614(i2c)

tempa = (mlx.ambient_temperature)

tempo - (mlx.object_temperature)

F1 = tempa

F2 = tempo



Are you able to run tests as shown in the hookup guide examples? … okup-guide

If you are talking about using the FTDI Baisc, I am not as I do not have that component. Only Items I have are the raspberry and the Thermometer Evaluation Board.

The evaluation board has it’s own processor and you can’t connect another processor (Pi) to it.

What you want to use is a bare MLX90614 IC without the evaluation board.

Part [SEN-09570 should work with the Pi.](

Try jumpering pins 5 and 6 on J1. Those are the two pins on the 6-pin header closest to the three resistors. This should hold the processor in reset, so it shouldn’t try to do anything with the i2c bus.
