sending RTCM 3 messages from base to rover


Do RTCM 3 messages read from the base and sent to the rover require any manipulation?

I have a Pic micro reading RTCM 3 messages from the I2c port of a NEO-M8-P2 and then the messages are sent via an xbee radio to a rover of a similar setup. I am getting CRC errors.

Refer to the attached screen shots.

RCTM - Shows stats provided from ucenter querying the rover.

XBEE - shows a captured RTCM 3 message

XBEE 2 - shows Ucenter results when just an XBEE radio is attached to the PC

I’d mostly be worried about bandwidth limitations causing errors? Try lowering transmit rate/message #/size and see if that helps

Also: it looks like xbee2 was posted 2x, try re-posting xbee.jpg