Is there any AVR application notes that tells you how to do serial communication using USB? I understand that USB is much more involved. But I was wondering if any body has some basic, small and understandable functions that allow communication using USB. Thanks
You can throw on a logic level to USB converter chip on it. Popular ones are the FT232R from FTDI. It requires basically no external components and can work with 5V and 3.3V logic-level serial. In Windows/Linux/OS X it simply appears as another serial (COM) port.
You can throw on a logic level to USB converter chip on it. Popular ones are the FT232R from FTDI. It requires basically no external components and can work with 5V and 3.3V logic-level serial. In Windows/Linux/OS X it simply appears as another serial (COM) port.
What about software? Is any kind of programming invovled with this chip? Any example of it? Thanks